Banyak Investor Asing Masuk Jabar, Tak Jamin Banyak Lapangan Kerja ( 1/11/2021)
Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) Jawa Barat (Jabar) tengah giat mencari investor asing untuk menanamkan modal di wilayahnya. Hal ini diklaim dapat...
Anggoro is a full-time faculty in Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) School of Business and Management. He finished his bachelor study in Finance, Gadjah Mada University (2003) with the final project of state-owned enterprise corporate restructuring impact on financial performance in PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk, and MBA in business risk and finance with cum laude from ITB (2009). In 2003, he also received International Course on International Economics & Business Management from University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden, Thuringen, Germany, and now pursuing his PhD in France.
His master thesis is concerned with risk management in the financial industry. His career stretched from a junior economist in Penelitian dan Pengembangen Ekonomi (PPE) Gadjah Mada University (2004), Procurement Analyst in ConocoPhillips Indonesia (2009), expert staff of Indonesia President Unit for Development Monitoring and Oversight/UKP4 (2011), and ITB lecturer (2011-today). Today he is part of the Department of Finance in the faculty.
He has an interest in corporate finance, economics, and financial institutions such as capital markets and banking issues. His papers such as “Modigliani-Miller Revisited: Capital Structure Impact on Indonesia’s Cigarette Companies Value” (2013), “Cointegration Analysis of Indonesian Money Market Term Structure: Testing for Expectation Hypothesis“ (2013), and “Advantages of Investing on Sharia Financial Instruments Using Modern Portfolio Theory Approach” (2014), accepted various Best Paper awards from international conferences he presented in.
He published a number of books, which are “History of Economic Thoughts” (2018), “Growth and Stability: A Collection of Essays in Public Media” (2016), both of which are in Indonesian language, and “Financial Intermediation and Market Discipline in Indonesian Banking Sector” (2014).
He is now a research fellow and teaching fellow in France, where he is pursuing his PhD.
Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) Jawa Barat (Jabar) tengah giat mencari investor asing untuk menanamkan modal di wilayahnya. Hal ini diklaim dapat...
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Financial Intermediation by Banking Sector: A Study of Indonesia’s Banks. Analysis of Determinants, Comparison, and Development, 2014.
Pertumbuhan dan Stabilitas (Growth and Stability: A Collection of Economic Essays), 2016. ITB Publisher, Indonesia
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